How install magento Language Translation?

Download Languages :

1. download language files and place them into the right folders (app >design >frontend >default >default >local)
2. Login to admin panel and go to System > Manage stores
3. Create a new store view or modify
4. Now go to: Configuration -> Current Configuration Scope (Select your language from the dropdown) and on the right side under “Locale options” choose the desired language.

5. Clear the cache (System – Cache Management)

Now go to: Configuration -> Current Configuration Scope (Select your language from the dropdown) and on the right side under “Locale options” choose the desired language.

How can I Print All MySQL Database Tables & Fields Using PHP?

* File: displaytables.php
* Date: 1.13.2009
* Author:
* Purpose: display all table structure for a specific database

//connection variables
$host = “localhost”;
$database = “your_db_name”;
$user = “your_username”;
$pass = “your_pass”;

//connection to the database
mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass)
or die (‘cannot connect to the database: ‘ . mysql_error());

//select the database
or die (‘cannot select database: ‘ . mysql_error());

//loop to show all the tables and fields
$loop = mysql_query(“SHOW tables FROM $database”)
or die (‘cannot select tables’);

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($loop))

echo “
<table cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2 border=0 width=75%>
<tr bgcolor=#666666>
<td colspan=5><center><b><font color=#FFFFFF>” . $row[0] . “</font></center></td>

$i = 0;

$loop2 = mysql_query(“SHOW columns FROM ” . $row[0])
or die (‘cannot select table fields’);

while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($loop2))
echo “<tr “;
if ($i % 2 == 0)
echo “bgcolor=#CCCCCC”;
echo “><td>” . $row2[0] . “</td><td>” . $row2[1] . “</td><td>” . $row2[2] . “</td><td>” . $row2[3] . “</td><td>” . $row2[4] . “</td></tr>”;
echo “</table><br/><br/>”;


Reference :

thanks above content for the above url.

Custom Pagination

Custom Pagination without WordPress Plugins

For Magento left navigation IE7 issue css Problem Solved.

First you set #left-nav li {



#left-nav li ul, #left-nav li:hover ul ul, #left-nav li a:hover ul ul, #left-nav li ul li:hover ul ul, #left-nav li ul li a:hover ul ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li:hover ul ul, #left-nav li ul li a ul li a:hover ul ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li ul li:hover ul ul, #left-nav li ul li a ul li a ul li a:hover ul ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li ul li ul li:hover ul ul, #left-nav li ul li a ul li a ul li a ul li a:hover ul ul{
#left-nav li:hover ul, #left-nav li a:hover ul, #left-nav li ul li:hover ul, #left-nav li ul li a:hover ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li:hover ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li a:hover ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li ul li:hover ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li ul li a:hover ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li ul li ul li:hover ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li ul li ul li a:hover ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li ul li ul li ul li:hover ul, #left-nav li ul li ul li ul li ul li ul li a:hover ul{

this is very intersting. I found this solution for IE 7 drop down menu purpose.

How to install magento extensions?

Left Navigation Menu List Search

Left Navigation Menu want go to here and get your menu link list.

some menus is price some menu need extension key.

Some Pages in Magento for Editing

Header & Footer

Header Menu & Footer Menu

Welcome Massage Store This place :

Edit All Skin Files Here

xml files and catlog files path:

Right Col path is showing here (right_col.phtml) :

How to Add Static Block to CMS Page?

There is certainly nothing fancy. Static blocks are a good way to allocate different types of data blocks to update content more easily.

There are only two simple steps for adding a static block of a CMS page. First create your static block. You will use the brand name for the CMS page. Let’s say for this example, we call identifier “home-page promotion.

Once your static block is done to change any CMS page that you want to block, and just put this code in exactly where you want to get:

{{block type=”cms/block” block_id=”your-blog”}}

Now you will reach good static block.

How to create paypal account in magento?

1. Login you magento account. Then you go to System –> Configuration
2. Select Paypal Section.
3. In mechant account section what value you need kindly check and Following setup.

Merchant Country – Select a country merchant, ie the country where the seller’s PayPal account is linked. The countries available for selection are classified according to the reference PayPal worldwide. If the country merchant is not specified, the default value of the Country field located under System→Configuration→General tab→Countries Options tab. Available payment selections below will be amended to reflect only those that are valid for this country.

E-mail address associated with PayPal Merchant Account – Enter the email address used to open a merchant account with PayPal. If not registered with PayPal, enter your email address. If the e-mail with the PayPal Merchant Account field is empty, the method of payment Website Payments Standard is not available and the method Express Checkout is only available if the references are given API. Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) PayPal is not available if the e-mail address to send the AFD and one in the configuration of different merchant account.

4. Select a PayPal Solution panel, select the PayPal payment method that you want in your store. Here some options available which option u need select this.

  • Express Checkout
  • Website Payments Standard
  • Website Payments Pro
  • Website Payments Pro Payflow Edition (includes Express Checkout)
  • Payflow Pro Gateway

the option what you need you can decide.

5. According to the method (s) you have selected, the panel corresponding payment will be available below. Each is described in more detail in the following paragraphs. Enter the required information for each payment method, PayPal (s).

6. After entering the configuration information required, click [Save Config] button.

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